Sthoulyaghna Chikitsa includes the following

Dhanyamala dharaa

Dhanyamala is a specially fermented medicinal preparation . medicated oil may or maynot be applied on the body as per the individual condition. Dhanyamala is then poured over the body in lukewarmcondition as a continuous strain.

Dhanyamla kizhi

Therapeutic sweating induced by using herbal pouches dipped in fermented herbal water and massaged over the body.


Lukewarm medicated buttermilk poured overb the forehead in a continuous stream. This treatment relaxes and revitalises the central nervous system.

Chavitty Thirumal

This is a special whole body massage using the feet instead of hands. It improves the uppleness , flexibility , correct the bad postures and relieve the mental stress.


Massage is done with the help of herbal powders. It reduces the subcutaneous fat deposition.


Elakkizhi therapeutic massaging with warm pouches containing different herbs and medicinal leaves . this helps to reduce the damage caused to the muscles and connective tissue caused by bearing excessive weight.

7 Days Treatment

14 Days Treatment

21 Days Treatment

28 Days Treatment