Sushruta Samhita describes 107 Marma points in body. Major marma points correspond to seven Chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the trunk and limbs. The points cover both the front and back of the body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th Marma.) Each has its own name based on their anatomical position.

The human body, needs shodhana(revitalisation) in order to perform its function normally and efficiently. In Ayurvedic system, especially in kerala, Marma massage is performed as a routine in preventive medicine. A professional therapist isolates Marma points and tone them by increasing blood flow to affected part of the neuro-muscular junction. They also aim to tone the surrounding muscles.


There are four basic purposes of Marma:

Marma Chikitsa is an important aspect of Ayurvedic treatment where the application of pressure on these Marma points induces the flow of vital energy (prana) along a complex system of subtle channels called (nadis). Based on the knowledge enumerated in Dhanurveda ( dealing with knowledge of bow and arrow fights), 107 therapeutic Marma points are recognised by Ayurveda. The injury to some of these lethal Marma points can lead to instant death. Massage is widely applied in the treatment of Marmas.

Marma Massage Today

In summary, stimulating or massaging Marma points give benefits to the area of their location and improves the function of the connecting organs. The Marma massage is approximately of 60 to 90 minutes of duration, followed by steam bath or warm shower. Given above is only a brief outline of Marma massage . Ideally, Marma massage should be performed by experienced therapists, in consultation of a qualified ayurvedic physician. The Marma massage can be used as a part of a rejuvenation therapy or it could be used as preventive measure from unwanted conditions. Either way, Marma massage is really useful to help improve or maintain a healthy balance.

Thus healing through Marma abhayangam affects the chakras, Physical health and doshas. The purpose of Marma Abhayangam is to stimulate the various body organs and systems.

Marma therapy focuses on energizing the body to relieve occupational illness and s tress related diseases. Often, it helps the couples to re-establish harmony in marital life.

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