The strength of Ayurvedha :Pancha Maha BhutaTheory

The universe according to Ayurvedha is composed of five basic elements the Pancha Mahabhootas namely Air, Sky, Fire, Water and Earth. As the human body is similarly constituted , there is a fundamental harmony between universe and man.

Tridosha and Sapta Dhatu theory

Ayurvedha believes in the theory of Tridoshas i.e Vata , pitta and kapha (bodily Humors ) . The theory of Sapta Dhatu states that the body is composed of fundamental tissues like Rasa (bodily fluids ), Raktha (blood), Mamsa (muscles) Medas (fats), Asthi(bones and Joints), Majja(bone marrow), Shukla(semen) and Ojus (vital essence ). The balanced state of all these factors is called health and when balance is disturbed it results into a disease.

Methods of Diagnosis in Ayurvedha

The diagnosis in Ayurvedha is based on two fold approach to

  • The examination of the patient or rogi-pariksha.
  • Examination of the disease or roga – pariksha.

Rogi – Pariksha is essentially concerned with ascertaining the constitution of the individual and status of health and vitality. This is achieved through Ten Fold methodology (Dasavidha Pariksha).

The general examination is made through popular eight fold examination (Ashtavidha Pariksha) comprising

Nadi (Pulse)






Drik(Eye examination)

Akriti(Condition of the body)

and also considering the state of the body channels (Srotus Pariksha ) and Agni(status of digestive power


– Your Mind-Body Blueprint

Prakriti is your unique genetic Body-Mind make up called Body Constitution. It is a blueprint of your personality.

Look around you – Do you see any two people exactly alike, Observe Nature: Mountains, rivers, trees, birds, flowers – all have unique shapes and sizes. Even two leaves of the same tree are not alike. Two flowers of the same vine have different sizes and shapes. Nature is full of variety and we are no exception. We exhibit diversity both in appearance and personality. This diversity makes life beautiful.

This difference or uniqueness is because of the diverse proportion of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas in each individual. Once we start seeing things through the glasses of Prakriti, we will start seeing and understanding the differences.For example, your oval face, or slender body may be caused by the predominant of Vata in your Prakriti. Prakriti makes one person gain weight very easily (Kapha predominant) while another may never gain weight even if they try! One of your friends may be very talkative and another may be a little shy. One may be a leader and the other may like to follow the leader. Such variation is all because of Prakriti.With various combinations of Vata, Pitta and Kapha – 10 different types of Prakriti are described. When it comes to wellness, the first step is to know your own Prakriti.With various combinations of Vata, Pitta and Kapha – 10 different types of Prakriti are described. When it comes to wellness, the first step is to know your own Prakriti.

This is the key to your health. Once you find that key, you can reveal answers to all your questions, such as:

What can I do to feel healthy?
How can I make my Mind feel grounded?
What routine should I follow?
What should I eat?
How can I prevent my allergies, or heart burn?
What exercise is good for me?
How can I improve my relationship with my family?
What is the right career for me?
What living environments will be best suited to me?
How can I enjoy my life?

Don’t you want to find the answers to such questions? Take the first step. . .