Anti-ageing process includes the following


Therapeutic massaging with warm pouches containing different herbs and medicinal leaves. This helps to reduce inflammation in the body and mind to strengthen muscles.


Pouring of medicated oil to nostrils, the prime most treatment and preventive measure to eradicate urdhwa abga rogas (diseases of head and neck).

Kashaya Dharaa

Rhythmic pouring of decoction or medicated milk all over the body using a traditional vessel called Kindi. This helps to pacify the dosha imbalance.


Njavara is a red rice reaped wih in 60 days. Application of medicinal gruel contained in a pouch over the body. This will strengthen the muscles, skin, bone and joints.


A paste of boiled Njavara rice with light warmth is applied on the body. The rice is boiled in Kurumthottikazhayam-(Siba Rhombifolia) It is recommended for patients unable to bear the Njavarakkizhi.


Application of medicated paste on head. This treatment helps to calm the mind and is helpful in getting good sleep.

Sarvaanga Ksheeradharaa

The word Sarvaanga stands for whole body and Ksheera Dharaa means pouring of medicated milk. It removes the dryness of the skin, Nourshes the skin and strengthen immunity system..


Lukewarm medicated buttermilk poured overb the forehead in a continuous stream. This treatment relaxes and revitalises the central nervous system.


Pouring of medicated milk over the body. It is extremely nourishing to the body.

The doctor after diagnosis will determine if the patient requires supporting treatments mentioned below

Netra Kalpana -Treatment for the eye

Sekam (pouring or herbal water over closed eye), Aschyothanam (Eye drops), Vidalakam (Appling paste on eyelid), Anjanam (applying medicine inside the eyelid) Tharpanam (keeping a pool of medicated ghee over the eye) etc.

Murdha Tailam – Treatment for the head and neck region

Sirodharaa (pouring of oil over forehead), Pichu (keeping a piece of cotton soaked in oil over head) and Sirovasthy (keeping a pool of oil on the head within a contained area, for a prescribed time.)

Karna Kalpana – Treatment for the ear

Karna poornam – Treatment for the ear by keeping oil inside ear

Karnadhoopanam – Treatment for the ear by fumigation

Oral treatments

Gandoosham (Holding medicated oil in the mouth without swallowing), Kabalam (gargling with oil) and Prathisaranam (applying paste inside the oral cavity).


Face treatment according to condition.

Vasthy Treatments

A treatment for a specific area of the body by keeping medicated oil for a prescribed duration is also called vasthy. The oil is prevented from flowing down by creating a boundary with black gram dough. Depending on the part of the body, there are different types like Kadeevasthy for lower back, Januvasthy for knee, Greevas vasthy for the neck and Prushta vasthy for back etc.

The treatment procedures are determined according to each person’s medical condition and doshas. All of the above mentioned treatments are not given to a person at one time. Additional treatments for other ailments are given to the patient based on the doctor’s diagnosis.

7 Days Treatment

14 Days Treatment

21 Days Treatment

28 Days Treatment