Welcome to Ayurvedha Madom – healing from within, founded by Dr.Sethunath, located in Varkala – A tranquil coastal town in Kerala Situated in the south of Kerala, India’s southernmost state.

Here at Ayurvedha Madom we believe in enchancing and rejuvenating your body , mind and spirit through a set of treatment procedures, diet and Yoga. Our primary concentration is given towards the preventive aspects.

  • Principles of treatment are in conformity with the natures law
  • Concentrates on restoring the normal balance in between bodily humors, panchamahabhutas and mind
  • Adapts an individualistic and holistic approach towards the sick

We invite you to visit our clinic and experience authentic Ayurvedhic services.

Our finest techniques of treatment methods will help you feel more relaxed, vibrant and peaceful. Our main goal is to help you be the best that you can be both inside and out.


Spread the health giving benefits of Ayurveda to mankind..
Integrate Yoga, Ayurvedic diet and meditation to the life style of mankind